Woodbury Ridge
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The first development to receive certification under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act, we were proud to have our work recognised recently as the winner of the Community & Sustainable Environment category at the 2024 EISSI Awards.
Civil Engineering Construction Consultancy Landscape Architecture Surveying and Spatial Water Engineering
Capital Plus 1 Project Management
Sutton, NSW
Spiire’s Survey, Civil Engineering, Water Engineering, Landscape Architecture and Construction Consultancy Services teams worked collaboratively to build on the historical, ecological and landscape setting of the 185ha site.
Our Civil Engineering team worked to preserve over 600 trees across the site by finessing the road, driveway and stormwater design. The project incorporated features such as reticulated bore water for each lot, provisions for future telecommunications, and the redesign of the arrival intersection into Sutton Village.
The team paid specific attention to the upgrade of Guise St to ensure it maintained its rural charm while enhancing the overall quality of the carriageway for Sutton and the future residents of Woodbury. We tailored the design to provide high-level amenities to the community title subdivision without compromising the serene countryside atmosphere.
The now completed “The Park @ Woodbury” provides a community meeting place for social interaction and play, with recreation opportunities for all ages. At the heart of 62 residential blocks and 4 environmental stewardship sites, this central park features natural timber play equipment, custom steel shelters, sandstone walls, native plants, sports courts, and timber fencing.
Spiire’s Water Engineering team designed a stormwater quality pond within the park’s space to provide stormwater pollution control for the estate, as well as an additional landscape feature for residents to enjoy.
Adjacent to the Yass River, the site also presents an opportunity to conserve and enrich the riparian ecosystems. Our Water and Landscape Architecture teams proposed strategic riparian plantings, to support the natural biodiversity of the area and provide opportunities for passive recreation. Moreover, the river’s integrity is safeguarded from development impacts through the implementation of natural stormwater management techniques, such as vegetated channels, which also serve as green link corridors for native fauna passage.
Our Landscape Architecture team’s design features distinguished estate entry treatments of stone walls which incorporate the bird-inspired Woodbury logo and rural style fencing and planting to set the tone of a sophisticated residential estate. Key pedestrian links through the development enable visual and physical connectivity through the site.
Our local Survey team supported all aspects of land titling for the development and are currently working closely with stakeholders to obtain titles.
The first development to receive certification under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act, we were proud to have our work recognised recently as the winner of the Community & Sustainable Environment category at the 2024 EISSI Awards.
The project team were also awarded the Sir Thomas Mitchell Award, for the most outstanding overall project across the six award categories.