Dexus Industrial Park
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We utilised our integrated multidiciplinary service offering to take the role of managing consultant for the project management, design and construction management of this project located within a key industrial zone in Melbourne’s west.
Civil Engineering Construction Consultancy Landscape Architecture Surveying and Spatial Water Engineering
Truganina, VIC
Dexus Industrial Estate is located within a key industrial zone in Melbourne’s west.
In 2014, Spiire took over the role as managing consultant, which included project management and design and construct services, providing civil engineering, surveying, landscape architecture, water engineering and construction consultancy services to the project.
The project presented a number of challenges, including drainage infrastructure of a large floodway, underground drainage and stormwater treatment wetlands.
The Dexus retarding basin is a large wetland and drainage system which captures stormwater from the surrounding catchment of large factories. It detains and filters the stormwater through a large wetland with expansive ephemeral marsh plantings. The retarding basin is designed to capture large rain events, and slowly releases filtered stormwater to downstream receiving waterways.
The retarding basin spillway was designed and constructed in accordance with Melbourne Water’s Australian National Committee on Large Dam requirements to withstand 100-year rain events.
This wetland was one of the first to be designed in accordance with the updated Melbourne Water Guidelines for the design, construction and establishment of constructed wetlands, which has adjusted the depths of various treatment zones, including shallow and deep marsh zones, and also aquatic plant types.
The results were very successful, with the larger plants achieving very rapid plant growth. Within 12 months of planting, the entire system has achieved its target vegetation cover and is performing very well as a natural stormwater treatment asset for the surrounding industrial development site.
Since commencing on the project, Spiire has played a pivotal role in providing DEXUS with significant cost savings by minimising the amount of earthworks, including additional fill on the site, creating a state-of-the-art wetland, providing high-level stakeholder engagement as well as ensuring design and construction is being delivered within tight turnarounds.