Compelling landscape visualisations
Our Visual Media team creates detailed landscape visualisations informed by close collaboration with our Landscape Architecture team.
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Working together in-house with our design teams, the Visual Media studio at Spiire is able to accurately reflect their designs in the production of 3D renders and animations.
From its base in our Melbourne office, the studio crafts visuals to bring projects to life across all our geographies and disciplines. These visualisations paint both the big picture and the finer details.
One example of the rich layers that underpin this imagery is the tree species. The team has built a bespoke 3D tree library, through a process that begins with reference photography, then leverages modelling technology to create realistic results.
Inside the studio: 3D visualisation in action
Now a broad offering, our Visual Media service first emerged through the need to portray landscape designs more accurately.
Our Landscape Architecture team identified the opportunity to work together with an internal modelling team and capture the essence of their designs with a high level of quality.
“We also saw the power of visual media to enhance our offering to clients, to better show our design intent and communicate our conceptual ideas,” says Business Manager, Melbourne Landscape Architecture Matthew Bradbury.
From the first briefing through to the final product, the teams work closely together to get the details right.
“We can sit together and iron out any little issues or inaccuracies before presenting it back to our clients, so they know the first draft they see has already been reviewed by the design team,” Matthew says.
Visual Media Studio Manager Michael Lyons says a thorough understanding of the landscape team’s designs and being able to represent it through creative images and life-like species and elements creates engaging impactful imagery for clients and their end customers.
“It captures that clarity of vision. It gives that lush, green sense of amenity and open space that people will be living amongst, which I think makes a really big difference,” Michael says.
Through this work, individuals within the team have developed a sophisticated knowledge of landscape characteristics. For Senior 3D artist Sam Mohan, who enjoys walks and photography in nature, his native botanical knowledge of native trees is so extensive he can recite species on the spot.